Friday, August 16, 2013

Five for Friday {August 16, 2013}

I'm teaming up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for her weekly Five For Friday linky party. 
1.  Yesterday was the first day of school and we had a great day.  Here are a few pictures of my little darlings.  :)

2.  We made these necklaces yesterday.  I couldn't believe what an awesome job the kids did stringing the beads.  My fabulous friend Lola {from Preschool Wonders} made the badge we added.  It says "I had fun on my first day of Pre-K."
 3.  One of my sweeties brought me these beautiful flowers for the first day of school. 

4.  I finally got around to taking pictures of my classroom!  So, here's a little tour of our room...better late than never, right?!  :)


5.  It was so great to see my darlings who were with me last year.  I can't believe how much they've grown over the summer!  Can you tell this sweetie was excited to be back at school?  :)
Thanks for stopping by and Happy Friday!


  1. Love your dramatic play areas. Looks like a fun room and your peanuts seem super happy to be there!
    Diving Into 2nd Grade

  2. OH what a neat room!!! After seeing a whole lot of rooms for little people, I'm a bit keen to move down from 5th grade!!
    The E-Z Class Follow on Bloglovin
