Saturday, April 5, 2014

Fun with Nursery Rhymes!

So, it's finally time for the unit that I look forward to all year long...Nursery Rhymes!  I know it may sound silly, but the kids LOVE this unit!  They always beg for us to sing/say the nursery rhymes with them throughout the day and there are so many activities to do with the rhymes.  

We started the week by putting Humpty Dumpty back together.  My little sweeties each had an egg-shaped paper and they cut it into three pieces.  Then, they used band-aids to put Humpty back together.  Unwrapping the band-aids and problem solving how to use them to hook the pieces together were both a little tricky, but they figured it out!  After they fixed Humpty up, they drew a face on him and glued the rhyme onto the back.

Then we started on another Humpty Dumpty art project.  The kids started by sponge painting bricks for the wall.  Then, they cut out the pieces for Humpty Dumpty.  We finished the week by putting it all together and drawing his face.  

During circle time we acted out Little Miss Muffet.  Each cutie had a turn and we said their name instead of Miss Muffet.  This was a big hit!  

We also matched  uppercase letters with Little Jack Horner.  

And, counted sheep with Little Bo Peep and then decided who had more.  

Last week in my post about our Pizza Unit I promised that I'd show you their finished Pizza makers.  They crack me up and are definitely going to be a new staple in our future pizza units!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. What a cool idea with Humpty and the bandaids!! I think I might have to do that with my class.

    1. Thanks! I can't remember where I found the original idea. I got the band-aids at Deals and love the fun colors...and the price!
